Monday 21st Nov, 2016
By B.J. Richards.
“My grandpa is still waiting for me to grow up!” announced my good friend Josh to peals of laughter as we sat in a swanky London cocktail bar. It had been a while since we’d seen him, and we were thrilled that a speaking engagement had brought him to town. You see, Josh’s job as a professor and principal investigator at a top-ten global research institution keeps him pretty busy, so we don’t get to see him as much as we’d like.
Monday 17th Oct, 2016
By Alison Huntington.
We ask clients a simple question to gauge their opinions about value: How much value do they think a consulting firm added in relation to the fees they paid it? The troubling answer for consultants in the TMT sector is that few think the value added was worth more than the bill at the end.
Thursday 13th Oct, 2016
By Edward Haigh.
The overarching narrative within the consulting market over the last decade has been about the inexorable decline of traditional strategy consulting, and of a more practical, implementation-focused brand of consulting emerging in its place.
The numbers bear out the extent to which that’s hurt some of the most prestigious names in the consulting industry: in the UK strategy firms now account for a little over 17% of the market, while the advisory practices of the Big Four (which, in all but one case, didn’t even exist some 15 years ago) now have a 38% share.
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