Monday 16th Mar, 2009
Most people would agree that the recession has so far produced a flight to brand in the consulting market. But will this continue to be the case?
There are two forces acting here.
Friday 27th Feb, 2009
The furore over the evil Lord of the Dark, Sir Fred, and his dastardly plan to run off with all the loot, has served to confirm one thing above all else: the average British punter now takes matters relating to our banks very personally. In the past, fat cats were mere symbols of what people hated – they stood for inequality, injustice and greed. Doubtless their excesses were coming at a cost to someone, but who exactly wasn’t clear, and anyway, most of us would have given our right arm for the chance to be in their position.
Thursday 26th Feb, 2009
It's been widely reported that Volvo trucks suffered a potentially catastrophic fall in demand in the third quarter of 2008: from around 40,000 trucks a month, sales fell to around 100. Clearly, the owners of big fleets of trucks are trying to save money by running their vehicles for longer.
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